Mortal Squid Games

Mortal Squid Games Game is a test of the player’s reaction speed and stamina. Take your time. In this case, it is important to follow the behavior of the antagonist, otherwise your hero will be waiting for untimely death. The principle of the game is quite simple. After launching in front of you will appear playing field. On one side are lined up the main characters, on the other side is a cruel antagonist.

Have time to run to the finish line or die

Your task is to bring your character to the end of the dangerous strip. The risk of being destroyed is quite high. The main opponent most of the round looks in the opposite direction from the “runners”. However, do not think. That the villain has lost vigilance. At the most unexpected moment, he turns his horrible head and shoots laser beams from his eyes. The direction of the beams is almost impossible to predict. It is always possible to ricochet off the walls of the room. To save your life and finish the journey is quite realistic. The secret is simple – do not move while the villain looks in your direction. As soon as he loses vigilance – run to the intended goal. While seemingly simple, it is not so easy to succeed. Beginners often think that one more second of running won’t make a difference. However, the sudden turn of the villain’s head and another shot say otherwise. However, even if you failed to cross the finish line – do not be upset. The round can always be replayed until the player gains experience and stamina to win.

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